Sunday 7 April 2013

Cool Things You Can Buy On The Internet Part 2, Or Why I'm On MI5's Watch List

It's a well known fact that the 'adult entertainment' industry is the reason why VHS beat out Betamax and why Blu Ray beat HD DVD and if my recent attempts to buy materials for Pandamonium are anything to go by, it looks like it could take over all of e-commerce. First ebay, then the world...

All I wanted was a skintight suit on which to build the rest of the bear costume. That's all. Why oh why, ebay, must you torment me?

Go on, search 'spandex suit' and see what comes up.

Apparently, apparently, there's quite a market out there for, well... you've seen American Horror Story right?
Well, people want that, on a budget. They don't want to pay for leather or PVC and so poor, innocent, impressionable people like me have to be subjected to reading the word 'gimp' hundreds and hundreds of times. Here's an excerpt taken from a typical item listing:

'2.Add male crotch zipper,You will have to pay extra US$5

Anyway, if MI5 have been watching my ebay transaction history then they can only assume that between everything I've bought for Pandamonium, that I must be planning one hell of a party.

I suppose that most people would consider what we actually did with the suit weirder than what they're sold for. We made a lifesize model of the actor who is going to play Isabella by stuffing the suit with foam. Now we have this:

This suit has scared more people in M Block than the one in American Horror Story. My aim is to give someone a heart attack before the semester is over. Full scale bone construction starts tomorrow.

You can get a credit on the film, a DVD, a t shirt, exclusive artwork and even the completed panda costume by donating to Pandamonium. So what are you waiting for? Donate now and be part of a project to remember!

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